introduction ,

Gold digger. Dubious ditz. Odd looking cat.

✓✓✓✓ Yes, please!
Mature subjects (Psychological etc.) ::: Character development ::: Lore compliant but not overly strict ::: In-game or discord ::: Discord pre-planning for serious plots ::: Understanding & patience!
✕✕✕✕ No, thank you!
Multi-shipping / Polyamory ::: Partners under 21 y/o ::: Lack of IC/OOC separation ::: Mirror posting (Write as much or as little as you want!) ::: Your actual gil
  • alias Noelle Arkette

  • age 21(?)

  • pronouns She/her

  • race Fox(?) auspice Mi'qote

  • height 5 fulm, 2 ilm

  • status Single/monogamous

  • orientation Straight

  • occupation Gold digger Secret.

hello darling!

ㅤPersonalityㅤEnergetic and bubbly, Noelle is the picture perfect personification of an airheaded bimbo by design. She'll gush and fawn as easily as she breathes, just as she'll turn around and gossip in whatever topic is seemingly most inane.This carefully crafted exterior shields a woman with sharp wit and surprising capability, but it would take an equally keen eye to discern as much from her daily conduct. It helps that she genuinely does adore all things feminine and cutesy, and she hardly minds being written off as stupid for her indulgences. After all, being underestimated leaves her to do exactly as she pleases, when she pleases, and where she pleases.

ㅤHistoryㅤ"The desperate prayers of the dead shall be carried on, whether for vengeance or for peace."

OOC Info:
ㅤnameㅤ Sai
ㅤtimezoneㅤ PST
ㅤRP format:ㅤ in-game, discord once comfortable and familiar.
ㅤseekingㅤ Long or short term, dark, casual, comedy, adventure, rp partners over 21+, character development, psychological/moral dilemmas, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and everything in between; also seeking friends to play the game with!
Regarding romance/ERP
I generally need to be friends with my RP partners. If there's no OOC trust or the chemistry doesn't exist, then it's difficult for me to get into. This does not mean I want to date you OOC or vice versa, but it means I adhere to a mutual understanding of IC exclusivity when a ship is made official. If taking NSFW gposes with others, keeping a courtesan job, ERP flings, open relationships etc. are things you prefer to do, then we're likely not on the same page.
That said, we can still be friends (And I do respect such preferences); I'd just like to know upfront what I'm dealing with before I get invested.
Contact: [Open!]
Feel free to send a tell in game [Noelle Arkette, Mateus], or if you found me via a discord listing then do go ahead and DM me from there.
General note
If you see me at a venue without my RP tag on, I'm just chilling-- most likely there to listen to the performance rather than actively looking to RP. I'm still happy to plan something for another time!

♦♦ Hooks ♦♦

Far From Home
This little fox is quite far from home. It's easy to tell from her accent and curious gaze, and it's likely not uncommon to find Noelle committing some faux pas or another... Either way, she's definitely not from Eorzea, but more than that, she doesn't seem entirely aware of general mortal customs either. You'll find her wandering in all sorts of places... And getting into all sorts of trouble.
Gold Digger
If there's one thing Noelle's good at, it's pretending to love you-- Or, actually, she might genuinely love you(r gil) but don't worry too much about it. Arranged marriage? Bubbly courtesan? Friend with benefits? General mischief buddy? If you've got luxury and gil, you have her interest. After all, a girl could always use a few more pretty dresses and completely unsensible heels.
Dubious Ditz
By all appearances, Noelle is nothing more than a cute face and a nice set of tits. She flounces them as though she hasn't a single thought between her ears, and she's pretty enough to live that way.... Granted, those with more perceptive gazes would note that she's quite resourceful beneath her ditzy exterior, and when she's irritated her tongue is nothing short of scathing.
Harbinger of Calamities
A strange rumor is circulating among rural settlements that a pink haired woman appears before calamity strikes. Villages wiped out by an unknown plague, earthquakes and landslides destroying hundreds... So on, and so forth. Perhaps a brave adventurer has been hired to investigate? Or perhaps one has been directly affected....?
With Love, From Yanxia
Hailing from an isolated village, those from the Yanxia region would recognize the fox's dialect... Or something similar to. Strangely, she seems drawn to all who once called Yanxia home and seems to be quite overly protective of them. So much so, in fact, that it may be quite difficult to get rid of her. Perhaps the authorities and a restraining order can help?
Bring Your Own!
Have an idea that's not listed here? Go ahead and ask!
Please confirm
Are you over 21+?

so lay down, slowly

Keep a secret with me.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Please enjoy big milkers that... produce. ::: Cuddles ::: Brat tamers ::: Possessiveness/jealousy ::: Size differences ::: Older men ::: Ask for list.
Use+discard ::: Extreme humiliation ::: The usual trifecta ::: Polyamory ::: Mommy dom
All races generally welcome except for lalafells. Hrothgar friendly (let her pet you!); will flirt with other girls but will not actually bed them (Sorry!).